5 AUGUST 1949, page 14

Vicarious Holidays ?

The 'Third Programme relays of Die ZauberflOte and Fidelio from the Salzburg Fcstspielhaus are not only musically, but reminiscently, entrancing ; for they revive in the memory......


The School for Scandal last week committed felo de se before it began in its choice of Lady Teazle. On the stage mis-casting can be concealed, or at any rate mitigated, by the......

Dale And Jouvet

This—plus a Joseph Surface with no trace of soapiness in his voice—took the heart out of the production. Yet, miraculously, the whole affair was very nearly redeemed by Sir......

The August Scene Home Holidays, Certainly, Get Their...

our programmes, August Bank Holiday last Monday finding the documentary B.B.C. at the Zoo and the Serpentine, in the South Kensington museums, at cricket and athletic meetings......


SAINT-SAENS scored an improbable double in the first week of the Proms., with Moura Lympany playing the G minor piano concerto on the opening night and a performance of Le Rouet......


IT is twelve years since Herr Hitler organised his exhibition of " degenerate art " at Munich and denounced the "artificial stam- mering of people whom God has denied the boon......