5 DECEMBER 1846, page 11

The Theatres.

Mr. Mitchell continues to retain the monopoly of theatrical interest; the other establishments having brought out pieces sufficiently successful to preclude the necessity of any......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY arreasoon. The demand for English Stock, especially Consols, still continues; and in the course of the week this Stock might have been sold for Money and......

Musical Entertainments.

There has been more stir in the musical world this week than is usual in December. On Monday evening there were two concerts of some note,—one of the " chamber" kind, given by......

The Poor Removal Act.

TO TILE EDITOR 8F TILE SPECTATOR. Eltham, 2d December 1846. Sin—No censure can too severely deprecate the obscure and doubtful phrase- ology of the recent Removal Act; which, at......