5 DECEMBER 1947, page 16

Employment For Displaced Persons

Sts,—Many British people have demonstrated a willingness to offer employment as domestic servants to women from the displaced persons' camps of Germany and Austria. Perhaps......

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Seeming Trivia

Sm,—Your comment upon the London hotel strike is opportune, as is your reminder that this strike was aggravated by the interference of agitators patently inspired by political......

Germany—bridge Or Battleground "

Sts,—Without wishing to seem ungrateful for the thoughtful and generally favourable review of my book, Germany—Bridge or Battleground, which appeared in your issue of November......

Parson And Person

Stst,—Janus asks, " What is a parson ? ", and answers rightly, guided by the Oxford Dictionary, that he is a rector. The Cambridge Dictionary— that of Dr. Skeat—throws some more......

Proportional Representation

sm,—I must protest against Rawle Knox's misrepresentation of propor- tional representation. In the first place there is no such thing as pro- portional representation in......

Mussolini And Mazzini

SIR,—May I thank Miss Wiskemann for her courteous reply to my letter, and add one further comment ? Mazzinian societies are now lifting their heads once more in Italy, and......

Ignoring Mosley

Sta,—During the recent disturbances at Ridley Road wise counsel was offered to Jewish people whose hearts were pierced by a shaft of fear ; they were advised to stay away, for......