5 JANUARY 1945, page 12

Sza,—as One Who Has Served In The Ranks For Over

four years, I have been greatly interested in the article by " Captain, B.L.A.," and the sub- sequent correspondence. I may say without hesitation that it entirely agrees with......

The Hillmen Of Burma

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Stn,—This is a plea that when the Great Peace comes we shall not forget the little men of the wild Indo-Burmese border country, who are helping us so much......

Sin,—everyone In The Army Meets The Type Of Mind Revealed

by "C.apt., B.L.A." You have done your readers a service in publishing his article. The value of his argument and the corclusions he reaches will be apparent to all who have......

What The Soldier Thinks

SIR, —I don't know what the soldier thinks, but here are some impressions derived from nearly five years' service in the ranks and as an officer. I am another Captain, B.L.A.,......