5 MARCH 1831, page 17

Present Members For Tee Condemned Horouges.

Places. Members. Aldborough Lord Stormont J. F. C. Clinton Aldeburgh Marquis of Douro Rt.Hon.J.W.Croker Appleby Hon. H. Tufton Lord Maitland Bedwin Rt.Hou.SirJ.Nicholl .1. J.......

List Of Places Raving Returned Members To Parliame41`,...

HAVE CEASED TO DO SO. Counties. Boroughs. Summoned. I Discontinued. Bedfordshire Dunstable... 4 Edw. II. 11 Edw. III. Berkshire Newbury 30 Edw. I. 31 Edw. I. Cambridgeshire Ely......

The Money Market.

STOCS EXCHANGE, SATURDAY, TWELVE o'CLocE. — The Stack Market is much more steady now than fur some time past. The public, previously sellers, become buyers at the very low......

Topics Of The Day.-

THE COMING GENERAL ELECTION. IN repeating the universal cry of the Reformers—" This will do ". —we emphatically express our approval of the Ministerial plan of Reform, and......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 22nd inst. at Waterford, the lady of Lieutenant-Colonel WILLEAR YIN. CENT, of the East India Company's service, of a son. At Hanover, the lady of JOHN TAYLoR,......

Present Members For Tee Reduced Egrou

Members. W. T. Drake T. T. Drake I ord D. C. Stuart Aid. J. Atkins W. S. Poyntz Sir L. V. Palk W. A. Roberts Davies G. Gilbert H. B. Seymour Sir H. D. St. Paul Henry Warburton J......