5 MAY 1900, page 3

The Papers On The War Which Mr. Rudyard Kipling Has

been contributing to the Daily Mail have been full, not merely of wonderful campaign pictures, but full also of rare moral and political insight. His eyes see right into the......

The Banquet Given By The British Empire League On Monday

to the Australian delegates was a memorable event, but, considering that the Duke of Devonshire, the Prime Minister, and Mr. Chamberlain, as well as Mr. Barton, Mr- Tarte, and......

Whatever May Be Thought Of Admiral Dewey As A Politician

or a candidate, no British reader can fail to be touched by the generous words he lately used to a delegation of Canadians at Chicago. "We are," said Admiral Dewey, "of the same......

The New York Correspondent Of The Daily Mail, Wiring To

Monday's paper, reports that Mr. Elihu Root, Secretary of War, used the following phrases at a dinner of the Grant Memorial Association No man who carefully watches the signs of......

The Vienna And Sofia Correspondents Of The Daily Mail Give

in Friday's paper descriptions of the anti-tax riots in Bulgaria which, if not exaggerated, amount to a. peasant revolt. It is said that three thousand peasants are marching on......

The By-election At Portsmouth Took Place On Thursday,...

result that the Home-rule candidate, Mr. Bramsdon, was returned by a majority of 579,—the figures being T. A. Bramsdon, 10,287; and J. H. A. Majendie, 9,708. In 1895 the......

Admiral Dewey Having Hitherto Enjoyed A Unique Immunity...

Dooley's satire, we have anxiously awaited the pro- nouncement of the Chicago sage on his candidature for the Presidency. As we expected, Mr. Dooley regards it as an amiable......

A Strange Picture Of The Tragi-comedy Of Servian Court...

is given in a recent issue of Die Information — the well-known and well-informed Viennese news-sheet—by a Belgrade correspondent of that journal. Apprehending that his hold on......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On

Friday mi.......