5 NOVEMBER 1887, page 15

Latin Pronunciation.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTETOR.”f Sin, — There is a story told of the late Dean Stanley to the effect that one day when travelling in Roumania, he addressed a small peasant......

Work For The Unemployed.

[To THE EDITOR OP TEE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I overlooked the remark quoted by your correspondent, " S. L. P., " or I would have at once answered your challenge. I do not, of course,......

A Jewish Humourist. [to Tee Editor Op Wi •' Speotetoe. " . 1

Sin, — It is stated in the article on " A Jewish Hamourist, " which appeared in the Spectator of October 22nd, that M. G. Saphir ' s father was a pedlar. This is a mistake. His......

[to Ter Editor Of Tee Spectator."]

Stn,—The article on" A Roman Catholic Ideal," in the Spectator of October 29th, suggests one or two thoughts that seem to have escaped the notice of the writer. He appreciates......

Facts From Gweedore.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Might I be permitted shortly to reply to Mr. Hill ' s letter P The " rundale " system was only applicable to the amble portion of land......

The Late Mr. Timing.

[To THE EDITOR OF TRH SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—" Honour to whom honour is due. " I am glad to read in the Spectator of October 29th the well-deserved tribute of admiration to the late......

" The New Antigone. "

its THE EDITOR OF TILE “Sexcuma."] SIR,—Your kindness in dealing with my book tempts me to submit for your consideration a remark or two on the point where my critic detects a......