5 OCTOBER 1945, page 12

Save Europe Now "

SIE,—There are one or two impressive—and possibly significant—features about the spate of " Save Europe Now " appeals which has recently been launched in the form of letters to......

Selling Britain Abroad

StE,—Mr. Philip Carr in his article " Selling Britain Abroad," repeats the frequently heard criticism of the British Council's failure to provide English periodicals for foreign......

Peace Through Fear . . . ?

sm,—It is perhaps dangerous for a newcomer to venture to enter a con- troversy which is already under way, but as a man in the street I should like to have the opportunity of......

Sir,—the Value And Interest Of The Article " Selling Britain

Abroad " in your last edition of The Spectator is without question. I should like to stress the importance of the last paragraph, that country hotel-keepers should " show a......

Letters To The Editor

DIVIDED EUROPE Slit,—I have read, and many times re-read, the article " Divided Europe " in last week's edition of The Spectator. And, since this article states very plainly—and......

International Trade

StE,—I can only express astonishment that Mr. Comyns Carr could use such a ludicrous argument as he does in your issue of September 28th. In order to ascertain what the effect......