5 OCTOBER 1951, page 5

For A Monthly Journal, Costing 4s., To Reach Its 1,000th

number with every sign of sustained, if not increasing, virility, as the Practitioner has just done, is eminently a matter for congratula- tion, and when the achievement is......

Not Long Ago I Said Something About The Varying Fortunes

of the different religious weeklies, mentioning the Church of Eng- land Newspaper as having recently swallowed The Record. Someone seems to have inferred (perhaps owing to the......

The Duke Of Windsor's Failure To Attend The Publishers'...

Dinner, which was the occasion of his visit to England, caused much disappointment and some perplexity. The Duke had at the last moment cancelled the Press Confer- ence he was......

According To Mr. Herbert Morrison, As Reported In...

Guardian, "British influence, achievements and status stand high among the nations." According to the authoritative Washington correspondent of The Times the same day : "Hardly......

You Can, I See, Learn Dancing (at Yeovil) From Miss

Patricia Rothwell, M.E.S.T.D. (B.B.), A.I.S.T.D. (L.A.), A.I.S.T.D. (B.B. Comm.), A.I.B.D. (B.B. Comm.). I shall learn.......

According To Mr. Bevan, "mr. Churchill's Only Answer To A

difficult diplomatic situation is to send a gunboat." So it was Winston who ordered the ' Mauritius ' to Abadan. JANUS.......

The Rival Platforms

W ITH the publication of the Labour and Conservative manifestoes any still undecided voters, of whom there are probably fewer than is commonly supposed, are in a position to......

The Compilers Of The New B.b.c. Hymn-book Have Taken Licence

to amend some hymns and abbreviate others. The familiar "O'er heathen lands afar Thick darkness broodeth yet" becomes the rather flat "O'er lands both near and far," and the......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE success of the Bevanites in the poll for membership of the Executive Committee of the Labour Party will much more than outweigh any good that might have come from the......