5 SEPTEMBER 1992, page 26

Yum Yum

Sir: Sadly I cannot speak from personal experience of either, but I must query the preference shown by your peripatetic reviewer, Nigella Lawson, in her review of Salloo's......


Sir: P.D. James, in her thoughts on coun- selling (Diary, 15 August), refers to the sec- ond world war. Serving as a very young WAAF officer from 1941 to 1945, I recall there......

Household Cleaning

Sir: I was interested to read Sir Fitzroy Maclean's account of Evelyn Waugh's con- frontation with Marshal Tito, and in partic- ular with the item of equipment described as......

No Snob He

Sir: While, for obvious reasons, I would be the very last person to complain of anyone wanting to brighten up a contribution to your pages by dropping into the text a name or......

Financial Premium

Sir: I was alarmed to read on the subject of John Bryan's activities as a financial adviser (City and suburban, 29 August) that, while some argue that he has exceeded the bounds......

Get Out Of Town

Sir: Noel Malcolm (`The new bully of the Balkans', 15 August) had better not show his face in Greece in the near future. Alas, I nevertheless agree with him. Despite the fact......

Pull The Other One

Sir: I doubt whether the Victorians, or any- body, ever put trousers on piano legs (And another thing, 22 August). The story seems to spring from a 19th-century cartoon ridi-......