6 DECEMBER 1913, page 19

We Have One More Word To Say, Though We Suppose

we shall be thought mad for saying it. It is that the old economists were perfectly right when they sought a remedy for poverty in raising the standard of living and the......

We Note With No Small Indignation That Mr. Arnold Mitchell,

the architect who built the model £110 cottage at Merrow Common, was fined 20s. and costs by the Chelmsford magistrates because he did not, previous to building a similar......

A Manifesto Marked By Deep Earnestness And Deep Religious...

dealing with the principle of the living wage was last week put forth by the Council for Christian Witness on Social Questions. It is signed by the Bishop of Oxford, the Bishop......

Though We Know The Idea Is Now Out Of Fashion,

there are still some of us who hold with that great social and religious philosopher Chalmers, that at bottom destitution is a moral evil and can only be reached by moral......

Charity, We Agree, Is No Substitute For Justice, As The

manifesto observes, and we also agree when it says that "the first charge upon an industry is adequate remuneration for the worker." But remember that truism is one which, care-......

A Strike Among The Railwaymen Employed In South Wales By

the Great Western Railway broke out on Tuesday. and made rapid progress during the following days. The origin of the trouble seems to have been the dismissal of an engine-......

We Note With Interest The Publication On Monday Last Of

a copy of a memorial presented to the Prime Minister by the Anti-Slavery Society with reference to labour conditions in foreign territories where British subjects and British......

Bank Rate,5per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent. Oct. 2nd.

Consols (21) were on Friday 721—Friday week 731.......