6 DECEMBER 1924, page 2

Readers Of The Spectator Who Arc Interested In Problems Of

finance and currency (and we know that there are. many such) should certainly read an article in this month's National Review by Mr. J. F. Darling, called. " The Anglo-American......

* * * * Last Saturday Ziwar Pasha's Government Accepted

the British conditions with regard to the protection of foreigners in Egypt. They promised to preserve the powers and privileges of the Financial and Judicial Advisers whose......

It Has_ Been A Pleasure To.notiee In General. That Several.

Ministers and'supporters of the Government — Sir Kingsley Wood, for instance—have lately brought into their speeches references to the disgrace of the-slums. Fore- casts of the......

On Thursday, Nove Mber 27th, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, The...

Health, made a really admirable speech about the functions of his Department and about housing. The Unionist Party, he said, regarded themselves as " trustees for the national......

The National Farmers' Union Have Sent To Mr. Wood, The

Minister of Agriculture, a letter about the Agricultural Conference. Mr. Wood's scheme is, of course, to bring together the -landowners, the farmers, and the labourers to draw......

He Had No Doubt That A Far Greater Number Of

houses would be built this year than last year. Not all the houses by any means had been built by the Trades Unions. The number of non-union workers was in- creasing. Turning to......

* * * .1 , - On Tuesday The New Regime

of Tangier under the recent Convention came into operation. Only the Governments which drew up that Convention—that is, Great Britain, France, and Spain—have ratified it, and so......