6 JANUARY 1844, page 17

Diplomacy Of The Post-office.

WHEN some country gentleman lately talked about " Peel and Providence," he talked in a spirit very much akin to that with which official people regard the " concessions " that......

The Late Ex-king Of Holland.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sussex, 86th December 1843. SIR —May an admirer of the talent and sound sense usually displayed in your paper be permitted to observe, that the......

State Of The Agricultural Labourers.

TO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR. Dumdrudge, 26th December 1843. Sea—I have read in some statistical work an account of the number of land- holders in England : the exact number I......

The Charities Of Music.

THE sounds and sights of London at this season of the year convey a lively idea of the magnificent hospitality of music, and of the end- less retinue of her dependants. We have......