6 JANUARY 1883, page 9

The Council Of The Church Association Have Openly .06n=...

the Bishop of London for his share in the arrangement which has transferred Mr. Mackonochie to St. Peter's, London Docks, and Mr. Suckling to St. Alban's, Holborn, and by......

The Times Assures The World That Lord Granville Has Ad-.

dressed a Circular to the Powers recapitulating what has been done in Egypt, but not asking permission to do anything, and not expressing any distinct view of the future. The......

News Of The Week.

M GAMBETTA expired on Sunday, the last day of the old • year, a few minutes before midnight. He was aware that there was no hone, and before death unconsciousness had......

The New Archbishop (designate) Of Canterbury Has Taken...

his Truro diocese, in a letter which is, to our minds, rather wanting in simplicity :—" I believe you think it was right," he says, "to accept this call to the Primacy. I could......

T * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


The Effect Of The Event In Foreign Countries Cannot As

yet be fully seen, because the papers are fettered by useful conven- tional rules, but we believe the following will be fotind to be near the truth. In England, there is......

We Have Said Enough Of M. Gambetta's Character Elsewhere,...

have here only to consider the effect of his disappearance. In France, this has not as yet been so great as was expected, though the Government has ordered a State funeral, and......