6 JULY 1889, page 9

The Boy-king Of Servia Has Been Anointed, A Ceremonial Which

is supPosed- to give him a certain guarantee of the loyalty of his subjects. The ceremonial was performed by the Archbishop Itiahael in an ancient and dilapidated church at......

We Have Said Enough About The Royal Grants Elsewhere, But

we wish here to call attention to a curious social fact. The House of Commons is supposed to be entirely opposed to dis- tinctions between men and women in regard to their claim......

The House Of Commons Was Asked On Tuesday To Make

provision for the Princess Louise of Wales on her marriage -with Lord Fife, and for Prince Albert Victor of Wales, the future King, now twenty-five years old. Mr. Labouchere and......

A Banquet Was Given To Mr. W. H. Smith, The

First Lord of the Treasury, on Wednesday, by the Westminster Con- servative Association, at which an address from the electors of the Strand borough was presented to him,......

The Dervishes Are Clearly Iiiy Allies Of The French. On

Tuesday, a - formidable body:of them, marching northwards, 'made a desperate attenipt fo seize -- a, point upon the Nile it Ar'quin, juit abor.d Wady "Haifa. Tliejf were......

Ig S Ig The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...


News Of The Week.

Till Shah has been the amusement of London for the week. s he was royally entertained in Russia, it was thought wise to entertain him royally here ; and he has been received -......