6 JUNE 1908, page 3

The National Women's Anti-suffrage Association Has *nod A...

circular setting forth the reasons w hich hive. prompted the signatories to organise a counter campaign against the "Votes for Women" movement. They hold it to be of fundamental......

The Debate Was Ended By A Speech From The Prime

Minister, in which he tried to make his declaration that the Chancellor of the Exchequer ought to budget, not for one year, but for several years in advance, fit with the fact......

Mr. Balfour's Contribution To The Debate Was A Declara- Tion

which in the case of any other speaker would have to be regarded as most important. "I have over and over again stated that whatever be the financial needs of the country which......

We Much Regret To Record The Death Of Sir Redvers

Buller, which took place early on Tuesday morning. He bad been seriously ill since March, but recently rallied slightly. On Wednesday week he appears to have contracted a chill,......

On Wednesday Mr. Sydney Buxton Made The Important And...

announcement that, on and after October 1st next, a penny post would be established between Great Britain and the United States. Negotiations have been going on with the United......

Mr. Bonar Law Made A Decided Hit, Though He Probably

did not realise what a sense of shame it must have caused to those Liberals who are also genuine Free-traders, when be declared that the real point of the amendment was its......

At The Annual Meeting Of The Unionist Free-trade Club On

Tuesday Lord Cromer was elected to succeed the Duke of Devonshire as president. The fact that statesmen so eminent as Lord James of Hereford, Lord George Hamilton, and Lord......

Bank Rate, 21- Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.

May 28th. Consols (21) were on Friday 88—on Friday week 87i. Bank Rate, 21- per cent., changed from 8 per cent. May 28th. Consols (21) were on Friday 88—on Friday week 87i.......