5 JUNE 1941, page 5

The Results Of The Military Exercises Taking Place On The

great and small scale up and down the country are yielding results always interesting and sometimes instructive. The re- sourceful private who borrowed a " Stop me and buy one "......

Hugh Walpole Was Only 57 When He Died, But In

his own particular sphere he seemed to have been in the limelight as long as most of us can remember. That is because, having planned with much acumen to be successful he was......

The Retirement Of Mr. Charles Evans Hughes From The...

of the Supreme Court—and, so, no doubt, from public life altogether—at the age of 79 is an event of im- portance in the life of the United States. For though Mr. Hughes was......

Sir Arthur Longmore's Return From The Middle Eastern...

be Inspector-General of the R.A.F. at home is unexpected. The Inspector-Generalship is by no means a sinecure, but it commonly figures, and is generally regarded, as marking a......

A Spectator's Notebook

AVING been for practical purposes dead for more than 11 'twenty years, the ex-Kaiser Wilhelm is now to be buried. Thzre has, in fact, been something uncanny in reading of the......

I Am Glad That In His Broadcast Talk On Sunday

on coupon clothing the President of the Board of Trade came near saying —I am not sure whether he actually did say—that it would be patriotic to be shabby. It depends, of......

After Crete ?

O PTIMISTS and pessimists are hard at work on the Cretan campaign. The Special Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Cairo adduces arguments which con- vince him that " Crete,......