6 MARCH 1897, page 15

Our "seven-foot " Pheasant.

D URING the winter a bird found its way into the windows of the London game shops, which early naturalists, who had only seen Oriental drawings of it, thought only existed in......

Unimpeachable Presentiments.

[TO Till EDITOR OF THC " SPECTATOR"] SIR,—Allow a constant reader to draw your attention to a similarity in superstitions that exists between the Welsh and Scotch people. I can......

Ascetic Christianity.

[TO TITS EDITOR OP THE •• Bract/ave.:9 SIR, —In a short review, in the Spectator of January 30th, of a book entitled "Six Months in Jerusalem," by Rev. Charles Biggs, you call......

Mr. Andrew Lang's Exposure Of Jacobitise,

[TO THC EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Referring to your very interesting review of Mr. Lang's book on Jacobitism, in the Spectator of February 13th, I beg you to allow me to......

Letters To The Editor.

MR. RHODES AND THE CAPE DUTCH. [TO THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The following translation of an article in Ons Land of February 6th, the organ of Cape Afrikander......