6 MAY 1955, page 26

If You Have Two Hours To Spare, You Can Afford

the works in the 18,7th summer exhibition of the Royal Academy five seconds apiece. You will find that it produces fewer blushes and contains more pleasant and quietly competent......


THE GOLD RUSH. (National Film Theatre.)— SAWDUST AND TINSEL. (Academy.)—Tin. BEACH. (Cinephone.) ANY revival of a Chaplin film is an occasion not merely in its own right, but......

Television And Radio

Tut: BBC is much too polite to give a Bronx cheer to the Labour Party, but I can imagine there were some hollow laughs in Portland Place when the party manifesto solemnly......

May 8, 1830 Exhibition Of The Royal Academy At Somerset

HOUSE THIS is "a sorry sight." After all the trumpet ings that ushered in this great feast of art—the parade of dishes, and the splendour of the covers—it turns out little......