6 NOVEMBER 1982, page 21

The Oxford Image

Sir: Perhaps you would allow me to com- ment briefly on Mr Stuart Proffitt's denun- ciation of my Oxford piece (Letters, 23 Oc- tober). First, Mr Proffitt accuses me of......

Gore Bore

Sir: On page 13 of the Spectator of 23 Oc- tober there was a cartoon of Mr Gore Vidal holding a cane. On page 16 there was another cartoon, of Mr Auberon Waugh with his trousers......

Sir: Richard West's Diatribe Against Israel And His...

of Anglo-Jewish history (23 October) cry out for a detailed reply. Alas, his inaccuracies, half-truths and sheer distortion would make any point- for-point response intolerably......


Once a terrorist Sir West's piece under the above t i tle ( 2 3 October) implies that it be con- . always a terrorist'. But there is at fact no such proverbial saying, so far as......

Derek Jackson

Sir: I am writing a short memoir of Pro- fessor Derek Jackson OBE, FRS, DFC. I should be very grateful if any of your readers would be kind enough to send me reminiscences of......