6 OCTOBER 1883, page 2

The Parnellite Invasion Of Ulster Came To A Speedy And

happily bloodless end, and the rumour that Mr. Parnell himself had been murdered by an Ulster Orangeman proved to be- only an imaginative prevision of what might possibly have.......

The French Foreign Office Is Said To Have Sent An

ultimatum to Pekin. M. Ferry, emboldened by a report from M. Tricon stating that China is not preparing for war, and that the southern provinces deprecate hostilities, has......

There Is Common-sense Left In Manchester. Dr. Pamir-...

only 6,216 votes out of the .52,000 upon the new Register, while Mr. Houldswortls, polling the full strength of his party as it now stands, received 18,188. As the votes given......

The Tories Are All Alive. Sir S. Northcote Is Speaking

at Belfast, and on Monday Lord Cranbrook delivered in Bir- mingham a speech characterised elsewhere; while on Tuesday Mr. Gibson delighted the Conservatives of Glasgow. His......

The Treasury Has Pulled Up The Metropolitan Board Very...

In a letter from the Secretary, Mr. Leonard Courtney,. my Lords inform the Chairman that the coal and wine duties, which expire in 1889, cannot be regranted without urgent......

Professor Dicey Has Attacked In The Times The Conduct Of

the- Victorian Government in refusing to allow the Irish informers to land at Melbourne, and the Agent-General for the Colony, Mr. Murray Smith, has replied, defending Mr.......

The Australian Mails Received This Week Supply Abundant...

the movement in favour of confederation and annexation is spreading steadily. The conduct of the Melbourne- Government in refusing the Irish informers leave to land, and sending......

The Speech Of M. Tisza To The Hungarian Chamber On

October 3rd shows clearly the policy adopted by the Government in Croatia. It will yield upon every point except the right of the Magyars to rule. The Government of Buda-Pesth......