7 APRIL 1917, page 17

British Wild Flowers. By W. Gravesen. (headley Brothers....

net.)—As our gardens are to be devoted to potatoes and swedes, Mr. Graveson's book is a welcome reminder that, war or no war, there will be plenty of wild flowers. Ho estimates,......

Some Books Of' The Week.

[Notice in this column dots not necessarily preclude. subsejusaf review.] A SIGNPOST TO THE MAGAZINES. Tan paper famine makes it impossible for us this month to do anything more......

Messrs. Nelson Send A New Batch Of Their Attractive...

including Mr. John Buchan's Salute to Adventurers, Mr. Arnold Bennett's Old Wives' Tale, Sir A. Conan Doyle's Rodney Stone (ls. net each), Miss Beatrice Grimshaw's From Fiji to......

Pitman's Business Man's Guide. By J. A. Slater. (sir Isaac

Pitman and Sons. 3s. 6d. net.)—A large amount of commercial and legal information is to be found in this book, which is arranged in the form of a dictionary. One interesting......

The Middle Group Of American Historians. By J. S. Bassett.

(Mac- millan and Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—This is a readable account of the " pre- scientific " historians, as the author calls them, who made history popular with the American public......

Readable Novels.—behold And See. By Lilith Hope. (hurst...

piteous account of the raiding of a convent in Belgium by Germans. The full horror from the point of view of the victims of such an outrage has never been more poignantly......


WE are introduced to such a number of people at the beginning of Mr. McKenna's novel and the manner of introduction is so allusive that the effect at first is a little......

A List Of English Clubs In 1917. By E. C.

Austen-Leigh. (Spottis- woodo, Ballantyne, and Co. 5s.)—Over four thousand English clubs in all parts of the world are noted in the new edition of this well-known little book.......

Gladstone's Speeches : Descriptive Index And...

Bassett. (Methuen and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Bassett has compiled an invaluable supplement to Lord Morley's Life of Gladstone,. com- prising an index to his speeches from June......