7 APRIL 1933, page 13

On Approval." By Frederick Lonsdale. At The Strand Theatre.

Mn. LoNsnALE puts four impossible people in an improbable situation and hopes for the best. And the best, or something very like it, is forthcoming. There is no action ; the......

The Theatre

" The School for Scandal." By Richard Brinslcy Sheridan. At the Old Vic Theatre. GoLosauTu in The Good-Natued Man found a title which, applied to the author's attitude in place......

A Hundred Years Ago

" THE SPECTATOR," APRIL 0TH, 1833. THAMES TUNNEL.—Sir E. Codrington, on Monday, presented a petition from the proprietors of the Thames Tunnel, praying for aid to enable them to......

Two Deaths

What spirit's agony lies bent Between the interval of birth And the cool fathomless descent To the cool oracle of earth ? The lucid emptiness of dawn Lies frozen on the first......

Two Poems

Aegean Idyll TILE thunder sweeps through northern plain; And westward from the Asian hill, From Canis and from Samothrace It wanders resolute and still And grows less still upon......

Passion-week And Prize - Fighting.

We never read the account of a " milling-match " without feelings of extreme disgust. From the titled blackleg who drives four-in. hand to the ring, down to the perjured ruffian......