7 APRIL 1950, page 18

The Right To Die Sia.--many Cases Of Euthanasia Have Been

reported in the American Press recently. We all believe in the "right to live," but how many of us believe that under 'certain circumstances we also have the "right to die " ?......

Mr. Stassen's Granny

SIR, —Sir Ernest Graham-Little makes two points which cannot be allowed to pass unanswered. He states that under the old N.H.I. the doctor's panel was limited to 2,500. This is......

The Case Against Deserters

SIR,—The question: "Should deserters be pardoned ? " is attracting a good deal of attention just now. In any barrack-room where the question is put, the response will be an......

The Servant Problem

S1R.—Miss Laski, in her article in the Spectator of March 24th, draws attention to an important social consequence of the shortage of servants. The " professional middle-class......

The Church And The State

Sta,—May I comment briefly on the points touched by Mr. Pollard in his reply to my letter on the revision of the Prayer Book 7 It is quite true that certain features which......

The Spectator

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