7 APRIL 1961, page 17

Sir,—mr. Brand Seems Anxious To Split The Teaching...

a number of squabbling factions at a time when all teachers should be firmly united in an attempt to obtain a substantial increase in the basic scale. It is about time that......

Sir',—the Spectator Would Have More Cause To Feel Ashamed Of

setting up as booksellers if it did not receive so many letters from readers complaining of the inefficiency of bookshops—including one or two run by the signatories of last......

Sir,—il Is A Pity That A Journal Of The Spectator's

standing should have published at the present time Mr. Charles Brand's article under such an all- embracing title as 'The Teacher's Lot.' Indeed, no one could say that as a......


SIR.—Affecting to feel more sorrow than anger, Dr. Leavis asserts that I labour to repress critical debate. This is false. On the particular issue of modern literary•history to......

Sta,—where Is The Greater Failure? With The Grammar...

not too diffident, practised in the methods of argument and study, and, in a formal sense, better-educated than 90 per cent. of the popu- lation? Or with the dimmer secondary......

Sir,--charles Brand Says That Because, As A Teacher, He...

about education, he cannot risk strike ac- tion lest Jones and Smith fail to pass their I I-plus; he suggests, however, that parents should strike by keeping their children home......

Books For Overseas Readers Sir,—mr. Gordon Grimley And...

tives of 'fairly well-known bookshops,' have taken you to task because The Spectator Ltd. offer to obtain books for overseas readers. As booksellers their case would have been......

Sir,---i Read Charles Brand's Article. 'the Teacher's...

hackles rose at the tenor of his ,argu- ment, though I would echo many of his asides. Mr, Brand's article seeks to perpetuate the fallacy that the - really hard work in teaching......

South Africa .

SIR,—May I, through your paper, express the grateful thanks of nearly half my white countrymen and some, at least, of our unconsulted non-whites. for the . kindness and......