7 DECEMBER 1844, page 19

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS, On the 16th November, at Woodfield theists near Kidderminster, the Wife of the Rev. W. COCHIN, Head Master of Kiddermiuster School, of a son. On the 2Ist, at Cressmell,......

Military Gazette. War.office, Dec. 6. - 10th Light...

Beauclerk to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bridgeman, who retires ; Cornet T. T. S. Carlyon to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Lord G. A. Beanclerk ; E. Shelley, Gent, tube Cornet, by......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, Dec. 3. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Bayley aud Chittenden, Mark Lane, curnfactors —T. and C. Lester, Dudley, pork- merchants—Broadbent and Co. Tankersley. Yorkshhe,......

Publications Received,

From November 29th to December 5th. BOOKS. Anti- Coningsby ; or the New Generation grown Old. By an Embryo M.P. In two volumes. The History of British India, from 1805 to 1835.......