7 DECEMBER 1918, page 12

Mr. Lloyd George And The Housing Question. [to The Editor

OF THE " SPECTiTOR."] SIR,—May I, as one having considerable experience regarding one, and perhaps the most important, subject in Mr. Lloyd George's speeches dealt with by you......


letter on Heligoland, which is a matter of some importance to the great sea-fishing industry as the centre of productive fishing-- grounds. I regret an error in typing. For "......

Tiie Kiel Canal.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sie,—In your comments on the letter from Mr. R. Price on the Kiel Canal you state " that the Danes do not seem to want more than the......

Letters To The :editor

. [Letters of. the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] AN INDEMNITY FROM GERMANY.......