7 JANUARY 1928, page 6

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Then the real work will begin and quick results must not be expected. Very delicate work requires very delicate consideration. Presumably all those employers who have allied......

* A Reverse To The American Marines In Nicaragua Has

come at an unfortunate moment, as the Pan-American Conference is about to meet at Havana. This Conference is being taken very seriously by the State Department at Washington.......

* * * * Mr. Ramsay Macdonald Has Done A

very useful thing in -addressing a message to India about the Commission. He explains that he has nothing to regret in having advised the Labour Party to accept the scheme' of a......

- There Are Rumours Of An Approaching Strike Or Lock-out In

the engineering industry. It is significant that the engineering employers are said to be less sympathetic towards Sir Alfred Mond than the employers of any other industry.. It......

We Are Glad To See That The Daily Herald Supports

Mr. MacDonald though he is being vehemently accused of treachery by the Independent Labour Party. Mean- while, though there is still much talk about boycotting the Simon......

It Is Satisfactory That Mr. Kellogg, The American...

State, has formally denied the ridiculous rumour that the British Navy has raised the elevation of guns contrary to the Washington agreement. The rumour, of course, had no......

The Reverse Occurred On Friday, December 30th. Two...

were marching with two hundred Nicaraguan National Guards when they were ambushed in a narrow defile. Englishmen whose memories go back to the Boer War will understand exactly......

- Most Non-brahmins And The Whole Of The Depressed Classes

naturally will have nothing to say to the plan of boycott. They have much to gain and nothing to lose from the Simon Commission. A definite split has also been revealed in the......

Sir John Simon Has Stated That The First Visit Of

the Parliainentary Commission to India will be devoted to a , general study of the situation. It may yet be possible to convince Indians that such a mixed Commission as they......