7 JULY 1961, page 29

Cuban Aftermath

Sta, - 1 apologise for the carelessness (or bad typing) that . made me, write Senator ,Dodds instead of Senator Dodd (I know his name quite well), promo Major Guevara to the......

A Bolo Sia,--may I Add A Tiny Piece Of Journalistic

history to support Mr. Cyril Ray's suggestion that the word 'bolo' derives from Bolsheviks? One use of it was certainly connected with the Russian word. The death before a......

Stn.—mr. Conquest Deals With Those In Britain Who...

the grounds of an international morality to the American-instigated attack on Cuba. Castro's regime, he says, ought not to appeal to Western Liberals, and that is that. Yet Mr.......

I'm ! Sorry To Go On, But Public Libels Must

be Puoim„ 7 rebutted. In spite of his black-and-white mentality—how natural that an opponent should be seen as a tar-baby I—Mr. Conquest knows that my disgust at the invasion of......

The Evans Case

SIR,—To the chagrin of the government back-bench bloodhounds and the Conservative Women's League, Mr. Butler presents himself as a liberal in his approach to penal reform. Soon......

Sir, --mr. H. P. J. Harming, Who Thinks That Do 'not

seem to have much idea what the Blackheath inquiry has been about,' goes on to say, in effect, that he cannot put into a few words the reasons why the Housing Minister's......

Not Good Enough

SIR,—Mingled with his faint praise of the Minister of Housing, Mr. Kenneth J. Robinson has said a word in season about the mediocrity of house design in this country. Though......