7 JUNE 1902, page 22


A FRIEND OF NELSON.* MR. HORACE HUTCHINSON has an hereditary justification— perpetuated in his own name and that of his father—for the choice of his theme, since his grandfather......

The Passing Of The Flagship, And Other Stories. By Major

W. P. Drury. (A. H. Bullen. 3s. 6d.)—The Marine who tells some of these stories is not unworthy to be ranked with Mr. Kipling's infantry of the Line. Possibly he exaggerates the......

North, South, And Over The Sea. By M. E. Francis

(Mrs. Francis Blundell). (G. Newnes. 6s.)—These fifteen short stories, repub- lished from Country Life, may be supposed to represent the manners of Lancashire ("North "),......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Eneyclopredia Britannica. Supplementary VoL II. (A. and C.......

The King's Counsel. By Frank Richardson. (chatto And...

are people, it is probable, who could give names to the motley crowd of Judges, counsel, women of fashion, financiers, and music-hall singers with whom Mr. Richardson fills his......

• My Lord Lvinchenden. By Graham Hope. (smith, Elder, And

Co. 6a.)—We cannot but own, with the remembrance of "A Cardinal and his Conscience" before us, that "Graham Hope's" new novel is a great disappointment. The theme of the former......

The Zionists. By Winifred Graham. (hutchinson And Co....

is always an irresistible attraction in any book dealing with the desire of the Jews to return to Palestine. Not yet has the genius of poetry deserted their prayers, and the......

A Duchess In Difficulties. By Major Arthur Griffiths. (f. V.

White and Co. 6s.)—Nothing but the verve and "go" with which the "difficulties" of the Duchess are treated could possibly excuse the vulgarity and absurdity of this story. But,......