7 MARCH 1891, page 2

Mr. Gladstone, Who Began By Assuming (till He Was Corrected

by Mr, Ritchie) that Mr, Sta,TheW wee moving the second reading of a Bill, instead of merely proposing to the House an abstract resolution, replied to Mr. Howorth that the......

Of The Other Speeches, Mr. Chamberlain's, Sir G....

Mr. Ritchie's were the most important. Mr. Chamberlain excited much amusement by showing how very reluctant Mr. Gladstone had been, when in power, to support abstract......

The Division Showed An Unusually Large Majority Of 102...

Mr. Stansfeld's motion,—the numbers being 291 against 189. The Gladstonians mustered very strong, a ll but one of them, it is said, having either voted or paired for the......

At The Dinner Of The Associated Chambers Of Com- Merce

on Wednesday, Mr. Bryce proposed the health of the Government in a very graceful speech, in which he• admitted that it, was more in his way to assail than. to eulogise the......

The Lords Did A Foolish Thing On Tuesday. They Threw

out a Bill, introduced by the Duke of St. Albans, to abolish the qualification now required of County Magistrates,—namely, possession of a freehold worth £100 a year, or a......

The German Emperor Has Acted, As Is His Wont, Somewhat

hastily. Indignant at the language used by the Parisian Press about the visit of the Empress Frederick, he has ordered or sanctioned a sudden revival of the restrictive passport......

Mr. Stansfeld Brought Forward His Resolution For An...

of the registration law, and the adoption of the principle of " One man, one vote," in the House of Commons on Tues- day night. Mr. Stansfeld maintained that no prompt and......

The American Congress Has Passed The Copyright Bill, And...

any English author who prints his work in America, or sells it to a publisher to print there, will have the same rights as an American. The change will enrich English popular......