7 MARCH 1914, page 15

Blackwoods And " Romola."

[To ras Emma or rim "Srsoraroa."] SDI,—Your reviewer, in his excellent and interesting article in last week's Spectator on Mr. R. E. Francillon's Yid- Victorian Memories,......

"the Dangers Of Democracy."

Ito SHP ED1708 OP Tel " SPEOTAT0114 . 1 Sru,—I agree with your reviewer (Spectator, February 28th) of Sir Arthur Clay's excellent selection of articles contributed by the late......

Nth Hundred Years' Peace. Ito The Editor Op The Spectator.")

Sra,—In your comments on my letter regarding "The Hundred Years' Peace," which you were kind enough to publish last week, you suggest that n person may be a natural- born......

The General. Amnesty In Portugal.

[To THE Sane. Or TIOS "aPBCr/r0s.1 is to be hoped that the general amnesty now given by the Portuguese Government will mark the beginning of a second and more peaceful phase of......

The Neo-hinduism Of Bengal. [to Rag Emma Or Tea...

Srn,—The writer of the article, "The Neo-Hinduism of -Bengal," in your issue of February 14th, charges Mr. Rabindranath Tagore (in his recent volume of addresses entitled......

The Future Of Rhodes.

[To rail EDITOR or Tea "Sracraroa."] §rE,—Colonel A. 0. Yate, writing in the Spectator of February 14th, asks whether the old Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem,......