7 MAY 1904, page 13

Canon Hensley Henson And A New Lectionary.

[To Till EDITOR OW THE "SPVCIATOR." J SIR,—An English journalist resident in Ireland recently said to me : " Why do you Irishmen say universally ' so often, when you really mean......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sir,—your Charming...

the Spectator of April 30th referring to two most attractive books on the New Forest by Mr. Horace Hutchinson and Mrs. Willingham Rawnsley . prompts me to ask you to give your......


[To THE EDITOR OP THE ..SPECTATOR-1 SIR,—I think it must puzzle many of your readers, as it certainly puzzles me, why of late there has been such constant laudation of the......

The Jews In Limerick.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I see by the Spectator of April 23rd that the so-called persecution of Jews in Limerick has attracted attention in England ; there is......