7 MAY 1910, page 1

News Of The Week.

O N Thursday evening the country learned with deep concern, intensified by the fact that the news was unexpected, that the King was suffering from a severe bronokiel attack. A......

The Text Of The " Parliament Bill " Was Issued

last Saturday. We reproduce the preamble, which is interesting both for its contents and as being a revival of an almost obsolete . form :- " Whereas it is expedient that......

We Feel A Sincere Admiration For Sir Edward Grey, And

are sure that he has never spoken and never will speak in public with the intention of misleading his countrymen. Again, he never has practised, nor will he ever practise, that......

The Political Situation Remains Troublesome And Confused....

of light is to be found in the possibility of adding a Referendum clause to the Veto Bill. As we have pointed out elsewhere, this is a solution with limited liability, while a......

Next Comes The Hatred Of The Nationalist Party For The

proposal. They, we learn, have expressed the clearest deter- mination that the thing shall not be. They know that the precedent of the Referendum would almost certainly be......

The Words We Have Just Quoted Will Be Read With

a profound sense of satisfaction and agreement by moderate men through- out the country. At the same time, we find it exceedingly difficult to reconcile Sir Edward Grey's......

Sir Edward Grey,.speaking At Oxford On Wednesday, Denied...

Prime Minister had altered his attitude with regard to the necessity of giving advice to the King. The Govern- ment had felt from the beginning that if their veto pro- posals......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
