7 NOVEMBER 1931, page 2

The Future Of India The Fate Of The Round Table

Conference will pretty certainly be decided in the course of the next few days. The Prime Minister has talked with Mr. Gandhi, Sir Taj Bahadur Sapru and others, ,the Cabinet is......

The East African Native • The Long-discussed Plans For...

union in East Africa have come, not indeed to nothing, but to a good deal less than the Hilton Young Committee of three , years ago re- commended. The Select' Joint Committee......

All This Means A Certain Progress, But All Of It

is relatively meaningless while the communal question remains unsettled. That problem will have to be faced, perhaps for the last time, at the Minorities Sub-Committee's next......

Sir Austen's Renunciation Nothing In Sir• Austen...

dis- tinguished Ministerial career has ever become him like his renunciation of it. The letters in which he abandons in favour of younger men any claim he may have to a......

The Sino-japanese Conflict The Manchurian- Situation Is...

The Japanese claim to have withdrawn some of their troops from Kirin,- but they have moved considerable detachments into other areas of- Manchuria, ostensibly to guard railways......

M. Laval's Intentions- Whatever' Undertakings - M. Laval...

at Washington; he has lost no time in fulfilling his intention of taking up the whole question of Franco-German relations, particularly in their financial aspect. On the urgency......