7 OCTOBER 1949, page 4

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE decision to enlist Mr. Ancurin Bevan to reinforce Sir Stafford Cripps in the devaluation debate last week is of some historical interest, in view of the previous......

In His Speech At A National Book League Luncheon On

Tuesday Mr. Herbert Morrison admitted that there had been criticism of the 1951 Exhibition project, and that it was a fair question whether the project should be proceeded with......

I Am Glad To Find A General Repugnance Among Decent

people to the sale of contraceptives from automatic machines—a subject brought into the limelight by the recent publication of portions of a letter from the Ministry of Supply......

The New Rulers Of China

F OR the past year three things have been inevitable in China, and during the past fortnight two of them have come to pass. The Communists have set up their own Government at......

" I Am Convinced That In Time To Come Men

will speak of Frank Buchman even as we today speak of St. Francis of Assisi. There have always been great men inspired by God in history. They have made history. But what Frank......

The Death Of Oswald Garrison Villard At The Age Of

77 takes me back to a dinner with him and Ramsay MacDonald, then something of a political outcast, in a restaurant in the Rue Daunou in Paris in 1919. Villard and I were......

Pronouncements By The Vice-chancellors Of Oxford And...

to certain serious university problems. At Oxford Dr. Lowe criticised with much justice statutes which compel retire- ment from various offices at the arbitrary calendar age of......