7 SEPTEMBER 1956, page 24

Men By Themselves

Kerguelen is one of those places like Grahamland which have to be occupied and 'administered' by a handful of poorly paid men in case any other country tries to annex it. In his......


POLITICALLY, the late Robert Benchley regarded himself as 'a con- fused Liberal,' and it was from this viewpoint that he wrote the inimitable articles and dramatic criticisms......

The Majesty Of The Law, More Or Less

THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL. By Lord Russell of Liverpool. (Cassell, 18s.) TALES OF THE CRIMINOUS. By William Roughhead. (Cassell, 18s.) FIRST, two legal scrapbooks : the......

Turpis Egestas

ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF THE CHURCH. By Christopher Hill, (O.U.P., 42s.) THIS is an excellent book. The general reader will not find it easy going, but anyone with a keen interest......