7 SEPTEMBER 1996, page 26

Unlikely Scenario

Sir: Can we really be expected to believe (Books, 31 August) that Philip Hensher, of all people, would have preferred to sit in the kitchen with the much-maligned ser- vants......

Life After Death

Sir: Francis King mentioned in his review of Playing the Harlot by Patricia Avis (Books, 10 August) that 'Larkin . .. wrote to [Avis] on 11 August, 1992 (oddly the let- ter does......

Presidential Styles

Sir: In your 17 August issue you comment- ed on the convention of the Republican Party to nominate their candidate for presi- dent, 'American conventions are indeed carnivals —......


Wrong on two counts Sir: In his theatre column of 24 August, Sheridan Morley asks, 'Who, in Edmund White's famous phrase, cares who killed Roger Ayckroyd?' Agatha Christie's......

Not Much Chance

Sir: Andrew Robson's claim (Bridge, 17 August) may as well be as true as that of D.K.D. Foster (Letters, 31 August), for both are impossible to prove. If Foster's figures are......