8 APRIL 1911, page 13

Tee Confirmation Test For English Churchmanship.

[TO THIL EDITOR Of TEM "SPECTATOR"] Sin,—Throughout the discussion which has recently recurred in the Spectator on the tests for English Churchmanship, one is inevitably......

Gladstonian Rome Rule.

[To TBM EDITOR OF THF "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the Spectator of March 25th " An Australian* writes as follows of Mr. Gladstone and Home Rule :— "In the speech which introduced his......

[to Tim Editor Of Ter "spectator "]

Sin,—Will you kindly allow me so far to correct the footnote appended to my letter in your issue of the let inst. as to point out that I had no authority or knowledge upon which......

Turf Prophets In The Daily Press.

[To TIER EDITOR OF TIER "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—In this sorry business of the Cadbury and Rowntree connection with the Star I have found a crumb of comfort which your readers may......

The Russian Crisis.

[To TER EDITOR OF Tin " SPECTATOR " ] SIR, — Although the latest struggle over the shaping of the Russian political system is passing here without public com- motion, its......