8 APRIL 1922, page 2

Lord Saliabury Heartily Endorsed Lord Ampthill's...

movement was not a revolt but a rally. We find very strongly to our taste the following declaration by Lord Salisbury :- " You must take your courage in both hands. It is no......

We Have Dealt With The Protests Made In The House

of Commons on Wednesday against the intellectual dishonesty, to give it no harder name, involved in a Conservative and Centre Party led by a man of advanced Liberal views such......

M. Poincans, The French Premier, Told The Chamber Last...

that he was going to Genoa on the-strict understanding that the Conference should not discuss the. revision, "whether direct or disguised," of the Treaty of ' Versailles. The......

The Prime Minister Reappeared In The House On Monday To

move that the. House approved of the Cannes-resolutions as the basis of the Genoa Conference and would support the Govern- ment in trying to give effect to them. It was,- he......

That Is The Passage With Which We Are In The

fullest possible personal sympathy. 'Incidentally, it says exactly what we feel about the Morning Post. It proves that on Lord Salisbury have descended those qualities of......

The House Of Lords Last Week Invited The Committee In

Privileges to reconsider its decision in favour of Lady Rhondda, who claimed a writ of summons. The Lord Chancellor main- tained that the true effect of the Sex Disqualification......

The Irish Free State , Bill Passed Through Its Final Stages

on Friday, March 31st,. and received the Royal assent. Mr. Churchill paid a well-deserved tribute to " the statesmanlike courage and earnest good will" that had been displayed......

The Ex-emperor Charles Died Last Saturday In Madeira, His...

of exile. He was only thirty-four. It was apparent, when he succeeded his great-uncle, the Emperor Francis Joseph, in November, 1916, that he was wholly unequal to the task of......

The Conference Arranged By Mr. Churchill Between Sir...

for Northern Ireland and Mr. Griffith and Mr. Collins for the Free State ended in an agreement on Thursday, March 30th. The two Irish Governments undertook " to co-operate in......

The Ugly Temper Of Mr. De Valera's Followers Has Been

illus- strated -by further outrages. Early oa Thursday, March 30th, a Republican gang seized the Freeman's Journal office in Dublin, smashed the machines and set fire to the......