8 DECEMBER 1984, page 7

Awful Place

Awful place While contemplating his new job as Nato Secretary-General, Lord Carrington was heard to wonder if he really had to live in 'that awful place'. Anyone who knows......

[last Week, At A Lavish Dinner In The...]

Notes L ast week, at a lavish dinner in the Capital Hotel, generously provided by the sponsors, the judges of the Spectator/ Highland Park Parliamentarian of the Year Awards......

Prolonging The Strike

Prolonging the strike Mr Herbert Brewer made a pathetic figure in Luxembourg: there was this representative of the workers being Spurned by the slab-faced capitalists of the......

Dean's Iconoclasm

Dean's iconoclasm The news that the Dean of Salisbury, the Very Revd Sydney Evans, intends to make a coach park on the water meadows within the Close will come as no surprise to......