8 JANUARY 1983, page 17

Ordinary Womenfolk

Ordinary womenfolk Sir: I am writing to complain about Paul Johnson's article (1 January) on the women's demonstrations at Greenham Common - not about his characteristic......

Andropov And The Pope

Letters Andropov and the Pope Sir: It was generous of you to recall (Notebook, I January) that it was the Guardian which first broke the news of the alleged KGB connection with......

Portentous Voice

Portentous voice Sir: Richard Ingrams wrote (18 December): 'As for Amery, I was rather amazed to see this toothy old relic of the Macmillan era still being treated by the......

Wise Owl

Wise owl Sir: Mr Grimond's 'Does Parliament matter?' (18 December): I simply do not believe that anybody so handsome and eloquent ever gained a nil audience in his constituency......

Graham Greene

Graham Greene Sir: In response to the reference in the Notebook (27 November) to my interview with Graham Greene, in which Alexander Chancellor suggests that Mr Greene did not......

Dura Mater

Dura Mater Sir: Peter Paterson's orphanage in south London (18 December) rekindled memories of the Irish convent which gave me shelter in wartime. Our meals of porridge, bread......