8 NOVEMBER 2008, page 29

The Mod’s Failure Of Duty

Sir: Charles Moore berates Oxford deputy coroner Andrew Walker for upbraiding officialdom in the matter of the death of Para Corporal Mark Wright, deeming such criticism of the......

On Mumbai And Martinis

Sir: Christopher Booker is right (Letters, 1 November) — inhabitants of Bombay who refer to their city as ‘Mumbai’ are spoken of by the teeming majority who don’t as......

A Woman Of Influence

Sir: The article by Paul Johnson asking ‘Should a widowed mother aged 13 be a saint?’ (And another thing, 6 September) was brought to my attention recently and it was with some......

Homage To Goldfinger

Sir: While generally panning Quantum of Solace , Deborah Ross complains that the film ‘doesn’t even give itself the odd, knowing wink. No Speedos, no plays on martinis being......

A Subtle Study

Sir: No one would, as Edward Norman has done (Books, 1 November), treat Rowan Williams’s Dostoevsky — Language, Faith and Fiction as a (defective) theological treatise, except......

Don’t Brand Brand

Sir: Rod Liddle is quite within his rights to argue that he doesn’t find Russell Brand funny (‘The real lesson is: the public don’t like Jonathan Ross or Russell Brand’, 1......