8 SEPTEMBER 1939, page 18

Partridges And Corn

Early in the autumn, just twenty-four years ago, I flushed a very large and strong covey of partridges from a deserted gun-carriage in a field between the Marne and the Aisne.......

Artistic Cows

An Oxfordshire farmer was asked the other day by a learned person whether he had ever noticed in his cows or bulls a dislike of red. Is a red rag offensive to a bull? His reply......


I had been noting not without surprise, for there were none last year, that the sole visitor to a particular Buddleia bush was the Peacock butterfly, when a letter from a friend......

In The Garden

It is a pretty and useful habit of the organisers of Kew Gardens to put up at the gates a list of the flowers best worth a visit each week. • A list for the year would be......

The Lure Of The Game

It is an ill wind—how many thousands of young partridges and their parents will be longer on the wing for the end of the weapon-still-stand in another field than the stubble!......