9 AUGUST 1997, page 24

Harsh Words

Harsh words Sir-: Whil I1t U wI-CC ith mI1c LiIf W hIi ~It Philip 1 Iciisihcr h as to s;,v iihmit I Iv\n.% ( 3Books. 2( JLI) .1 - I Il;d to ,-itC mII thICSis 0II thC dIIIII......

Off The Record

Off the record SiF: A\ )IprpS OI HIth Stol-( ) tlroa lt thC late Sir .Jamlles (Jiddslllmlll ;ihad the rcco(-rds (('itv and Nuhurhan. ;12( J IUN ).The kver'lsIl 1 kncvw was O1k......

In The Heat Of The Moment

In the heat of the moment | Sir: The account of the Reichstag fire, the Dadl! Lpr7css and Scfton Dclmcr given in Stcphcn Glovcr's article (Media studies, 2 August) is indeed......



Not On The Cards

Not on the cards Sir: I havc ncvcr bccn to the cclebratcd hacalth club in, I think, Bcrkshirc which coincidentally sharcs my nanac, so I know nothing of it or its ways.......

[sir: Mr Digby Anderson's 'working-class...]

Sir: Mr Dighby Andcrson's workimz-cklss habits' was a worthly Successor to the Colltrovcrsv slot vacated bv Alice von Schliefell on 'how gradathe lost the Great War for......

Rights And Wrongs

Rights and wrongs Sir: Thc trceatmeicnit by the (Guardiai/1 of its flrCeClanlCe Writers bCearS out Some11 of Paul Johnson s concerrns (And anothcr thing. 26 .1.11No). The.......

Small Consolation

Small consolatioln Sil-: Sad r Whithl lo i's dcscriptioni () nSi ( Itht nIK -I l Ivvi ng ticn ti Ics Cnt clrint nrulopc2 is disturbing ('No room)nl ait thc chlcck-in'. 2( Julv).......

Wrong Emperor

Wrong emperor Sir: Aliquolt do107litdt Protc-SSOI.... My Crstwhile colleague Peter Jones makes a rare error in attributing the words Let them hate m11e as long as they tear me'......