9 DECEMBER 1893, page 16

Wanted, The Origin Of A Nursery-rhyme.

[To TEIII EDITOR OF THE " STEOTATOR."2 Snt,—I shall be very glad if any of your correspondents can. give me information as to the history and date of the following verse, which......

An Irish Hedge-schoolmaster,.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIB.,—On reading your review, in the Spectator for December 2nd, of the interesting Irish reminiscences of Mr. Le Palm, it struck me that you......


THE LIFE OF MR, W. H. SMITH.* WHEN Mr. Smith first became a candidate for the borough. of Westminster, he was distrusted by Members of his party as a " milk-and-water "......

Sir Henry Lawrence's Tomb.

[To THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—Sir Henry Lawrence was certainly not a High Church- man; but after he received his wound, of which he died at Lucknow, he directed that......

Jowett And Stanley.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Though I have only just come across your remarks on Professor jowett's sermon on Dean Stanley, perhaps it may interest you to have the......

" Reqitiescat In Pace."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I hope you will admit a brief reply to Canon MacOoll, who attacked me in the Spectator of December 2nd. He says, I" have failed......