9 DECEMBER 2006, page 87

Dalton’s Millions

FRANK KEATING T his year’s Sportsbook of the Year is Unforgivable Blackness (Pimlico), a vividly enlightening new biog of Jack Johnson, the first black American boxing champion,......

Q. In The Summer I Became Engaged To A Sweet

young thing. We did not wish to announce our good fortune in the newspapers and have not yet set a date for our wedding. As Christmas draws nearer we are wondering to what......

Q. As The Principal Of A School, I Occasionally Have

to travel abroad. During a visit to a school in south China I was generously entertained and called upon to eat some awful stuff by my kind hosts. Remembering my grandmother’s......

Q. Further To Your Correspondence Over The Bachelor...

with personal hygiene problems, I have a bachelor friend who, I know, lies in a bath twice a day yet still stinks. The problem is clearly his clothes. His suits and trousers......