9 JULY 1892, page 19

One Thing Is Certain, That Whatever May Be The Result

of the county elections, no one can justly say, so far as regards the borough elections, that the popular feeling is all on one side. The contests have been singularly close,......

Mr. Balfour, In A Speech At Wigan On Tuesday, Justly

main- tained that when Mr. Gladstone talks of Labour questions, he really means political changes by which the political power of the labourer is to be increased in the......

The Two Most Remarkable Speeches Of The Week Are Mr.

Goschen's reply yesterday week at Edinburgh to Mr. Glad- stone's first and most important Scotch speech, and Lord. Randolph Churchill's very clever speech on Saturday to his.......

The French Ironclad Le Roche' Has Just Given The World

an object-lesson in the use of the ram. On the 7th inst., the French squadron at Marseilles was exercising, and the iron- clad was crossing the roadstead at full speed, when it......

Mr. Gladstone Made A Great Speech At Dalleeith On Tues-

day. It was very remarkable as showing how entirely he has .ceased to think that England has any interest at all in the welfare of Scotland or Ireland, and we suppose,......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Consols (249 Were On

Frarty 962.......

Lord Randolph Churchill's Speech On Saturday Insisted On...

strong case which Mr. Gladstone ought to make out for an arrangement which, by creating two Parliaments "practically equal and practically independent of each other, and more or......

Trinity College, Dublin, Celebrated The Three-hundredth...

on Tuesday last with great solemnity and splendour, with a religious service in St. Patrick's Cathedral. No doubt the tercentenary lost some of its effect from the political......