9 MAY 1992, page 24

[sir: Having Read Your Leader, 'crisis, What...]

LE TTERS Appalled otISWI ISir: I Ilvinig read your lcader, 'Cisis, what crisis'? (25 April), I rcal Ily canii not decide wlhetheCr it is yOi iu r1 -a'rgIIICe or your igllnra uce......

Bombs Away

Bombs awcay Sir: I mliust disagree with tl1 scnuli'icints displLVCye by Andrewv R.ohl rts ( I acts not lic hCStIlv to thc BldonihLr, 25 April). Mr Robecr-ts has clloscl an eams......

[sir: To Claim That All Non-humanitarian Aid...]

Sir: TIo CIlalim that all non-human11,111ititarian aid to Afrinca sIMoUl d hC sto )J)Cd illorcsCs wh at is happC gling all OVCr- t(lie COItiltcin t. Fmi livll, stanida rds in/......



[sir: Professor Partridge Of The University Of...]

Sir: I'roICss)r P;artridcge of tile U i)rversitv of I I xc'tcr is i.l ;i\c c'u(ul'clllc(l ;it JOhI Pattell's hu\'lc (I Cttcis. 2 Mav) inI statimiii that 'sc i en ti 'fic......