9 NOVEMBER 1974, page 3

Tarnished Creden Tials

Mr Peter Walker's extraordinary outburst last Sunday can be understood in so passionate an adherent of Mr Heath, twisting and turning in every possible way to thrown the light......

Rotten Fruit

Mr Wedgwood Benn i s busy plucking of the rotten fruit of industry with expensiv ely borrowed money shows that "the u ltimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly......

Wrong Moment

Labour governments almost invariably show a maladroitness in the pursuit of foreign policy, especially where the curious emotions of their movement are involved, which is......

Next Week

The Spectator will appear a day later than usual in order that comment on the Budget can be included. The issue will be available in London on Wednesday, and elsewhere in the......

Private Beds

Aside altogether from the scandalous bad manners with which she has treated the representatives of the medical profession the decision of Mrs Castle not merely to implement the......